Communication channels
Facebook Messenger chat
We have a big ongoing Facebook Messenger chat, the great "Soup For My Family" chat. A lot of immediate organizing goes there. To join that thread, ask another member to add you. Sometimes it can get overwhelming or off-topic; we have members who are thinking and scheming about alternatives or additions.
Facebook group
We have a Facebook group where we will often post sign-up sheets, event notices, pictures, and memes. Occasionally there will be an active discussion thread there. Anyone is welcome to join the group and lurk or contribute.
This manual
This manual is written in text files using a lightweight markup language called (heh) Markdown. The files are published on a collaboration site called GitHub. If you have or are willing to get a GitHub account, John Clark can give you access to the tools there which enable us to collaborate on editing and discussing these manual sections. Follow the "Edit on GitHub" link on any manual page to view the collaboration options on GitHub for that page. If you make changes on GitHub, let John know and they will update the site with your changes. Otherwise, you could submit updated content for any of these sections to them in any format, and they are happy to move them into the manual. They are also happy to help orient you to any of the components of accessing or editing the manual.